The Obama campaign’s serial dishonesty.

“To pay for huge new tax breaks for millionaires like him,” the narrator says, “Romney would have to raise taxes on the middle class—$2,000 for a family with children, says a nonpartisan report.” Then this newspaper’s nameplate glides across the screen, with the text, “Study: Romney’s Tax Plan Hits Middle Class, 8/1/12.”

That would be a 250-word, four-paragraph item on the Journal’s Washington Wire blog, which merely informed readers of the existence of a Tax Policy Center study on the Romney tax plan. That’s the supposedly “nonpartisan report” the ad cites.

Simply put, they lie.

Why do the Muslims rage? Because they’re LOSERS.

As for affronts, the Western mainstream is, by and large, quite respectful toward Muslims, millions of whom have adopted Europe and North America as their home and enjoy all the freedoms the West has to offer, including the freedom to worship. Insignificant or unnoticed videos and publications would have no impact on anyone, anywhere, if the Islamists did not choose to publicize them for radical effect.

And insults, real or hyped, are not the problem. At the heart of Muslim street violence is the frustration of the world’s Muslims over their steady decline for three centuries, a decline that has coincided with the rise and spread of the West’s military, economic and intellectual prowess.

I think they are devolving.

Clearly, then, violent responses to perceived injury are not integral to Islam. A religion is what its followers make it, and Muslims opting for violence have chosen to paint their faith as one that is prone to anger. Frustration with their inability to succeed in the competition between nations also has led some Muslims to seek symbolic victories.

When Muslim’s “victory” in recent years consists of destroying some buildings … you know you’re in decline.


And about that film … :

Sam Bacile/Bassel is not an Israeli-American, and his attempt to pass himself off as one is a potentially deadly slander. His film—if there really is any footage beyond the 14-minute clip—did not cost anything like $5 million to make. There is no cabal of Jewish donors who put up the money. Sam Bassel, or whoever used that name as a Facebook alias, speaks and writes fluent Arabic and likely has an Egyptian background. The name Abanob Basseley is, as one Egyptian friend tells me, as typically Coptic as, say, Mohammad is Muslim or Shlomo is Jewish. (St. Abonoub is a Coptic saint named after an Egyptian child martyred by the Romans.) The fact that the film was publicly promoted by Morris Sadek, the head of the National American Coptic Assembly, also suggests a Coptic connection to the film.

Yea, the whole thing gets fishier and fishier.


Obama schedule for today:

9:25 am || Receives the Presidential Daily Briefing
10:05 am || Welcomes the 2012 U.S. Olympic and Paralympic teams to the White House; South Lawn
12:30 pm || Lunch with Biden
7:00 pm || Attends a fundraiser

Oh- look at that! Another fundraiser.

I don’t know if it’s as cool as this one, though. Jay-z and Beyonce!

Party ON! While Rome burns.

Bottom line: Rather than placating the “Islamic world” with the conciliatory Cairo speech and “realistic” policies, this administration has unleashed chaos — then stood by as Islamists work to control the newly “free” nations and move closer to their dream of a universal caliphate.

Obama should know all this. Of all presidents, he should have a unique insight into religious and cultural Islam.

But he has other priorities. So, instead of action after the murder of our diplomats, we got a statement from the president that “strongly condemned the outrageous attack.” Then he headed off to Las Vegas, for more campaigning.

The news is filled with happy announcements that Obama is up in the three critical swing states …

Memo to the media: the effects of this week’s activities have not yet been polled. So enjoy it while it lasts.


Coming in November if Obama wins re-election : The Obama Depression.

If he wins re-election, we can expect to see Obama unleashed.

Obama seemed to be free from electoral consequences following the 2008 election, because Democrats controlled both houses of Congress. He reportedly told Republicans: “I won. I don’t have to take your ideas.” As we know, he rapidly increased spending. He increased taxes and approved tax refunds for people who didn’t pay taxes. Debt soared, and costly regulations proliferated. He promoted crony capitalism, compulsory unionism and government-run health care. He got almost everything he wanted.

Obama became accustomed to exercising arbitrary power.

This next time? It will be worse. He could increase dependency on the government dole, in various forms, to make it “politically impossible to ever cut government spending peacefully.”

Read the whole thing and DESPAIR.

But this little bit … remind you of anyone?

Perón and his wife Evita encouraged a personality cult not altogether unlike the cults that have arisen about other presidential couples. In 1948, journalist Philip Hamburger wrote in The New Yorker that “Everywhere I heard the same stories — how Señor Perón is at his desk each morning by 6:30 and does not leave until 7 or 8 at night; how Señora Perón arrives early at her office in the Under Secretariat of Welfare and Labor; how she receives from 10 to 20 delegations of farmers, laborers and sheepherders a day; how she attentively listens to their problems and comforts them with advice or a promise that their demands will be granted; how she has worn herself to the point of anemia by her untiring social work; how, when she travels around the countryside, she is greeted as though she were a saint; how the people blow kisses at her and call her ‘Blessed One’ and ‘Little Madonna,’ and how she, in return, often leans from the train window and tosses sweet cakes and bottles of cider at the crowd; how she speaks in such an inexpressibly low, sad, haunting voice that people feel themselves slipping under her spell.”

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2 Comments on “FIAF”


    He needs to sack up and get his lazy ass out of bed in the morning and busy himself with our business.

  2. Car in Says:

    That’s a rhetorical question you’re asking, right?

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